...and that's my saving grace

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

It's A Hard Knock Life...

Growing up is hard to do. It's hard finding out that everyone doesn't think the same way you do. It's hard to change the way you've thought about things. I think part of what makes us amazing beings is our ability to think for ourselves. There's nothing wrong with thinking differently than our parents or our peers. It's okay to have different political views or ideas on world issues. While it's a hard thing to come to that your parents might not know everything...it's a great feeling when you stand on your own thoughts. I think we all need to know that it's okay to question. It's okay to not know all the answers. If anything it makes us stronger in our beliefs and personal opinions. Growing up is hard...but it's totally worth it.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

no...i do...seriously.

Do you notice how people always say that they have the cutest dogs ever or the most adorable dog in the world. I'm pretty sure I along with about 2 million other dog owners have made the same claim. I propose a contest. Maybe a duel of some sort.

The picture above is the cutest dog in the world. seriously.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

The greatest of these is LOVE

I love the way we as a society label others. That's always a good idea right? We label people everyday even though we might not realize it. Sometimes it's through the more common ways of race or gender or looks alone; other times it's based on random things like music or movie preferences. It's a crazy thing that just because someone likes a certain type of clothing or a certain type of hairstyle that they can be automatically associated with a group even if they are the farthest thing from that. Christ said to love others as we were loved. Sounds pretty self explanatory to me. I realize that I am just as guilty of stereotyping as the next person, but I just pray that we could all learn to look deeper inside people; give people a chance to show that there is more to them than just the person they are known as on the outside. Get out of your box. Give people the benefit of the doubt. Take a risk at getting to know people that you otherwise might just blow off and stick in another category. Reach out to those who are different from you and your friends. You might learn something about yourself that you hadn't before realized.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

your mom

so i really dislike thanksgiving. i'm thankful and all...i just don't like going and seeing the fam. i'm pretty much dreading tomorrow. and the roommate is gone so i'm here all by myself for a couple of days. ick.

on the plus side there was some quality reunion time today with the pw folks. good times.

so i guess this whole thanksgiving thing is just all in the eye of the beholder.

well.... behold the greatness and have a good one.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

who says?

if that which doesn't kill us makes us stronger...then pretty soon i'm going to be the Arnold Schwarzenegger of all emotion and mentality and immune systems.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Light up your face with gladness...hide every trace of sadness

i want to live outside myself for once and have a love for the world like that of christ's.

i want to be set on a goal that it hurts me not to be working towards.

i want to be comfortable enough with someone to share my painting with.

i want to backpack across europe staying in hostels and homes.

i want to be there for my sister and help her to grow into an even more beautiful young woman than she already has.

i want to find a love that has no bounds and no fears.

i want an adventure so great that i can't put it into words because it cannot be described.

i want to have the strength to stand for what i believe in, but still be open to others and opinions without obstructing my own.

i want to be captivated and found captivating.

i want to have the ability to communicate my thoughts and ideas.

i want my build-a-bear.

i want to be intoxicated with the presence of God.

i want to be able to walk outside into the valley and across the field to the marsh.

i want to always be there for my friends in their times of need.

i want a love that can comfort me with only the sound of his voice.

i want to find the used bookstore that is the size of a stadium and spend hours reading the notes in the margins.

i want to climb to the top of keystone, and sit in awe.

i want to find the secret to the fountain of youth to be love and happiness in yourself.

i want to walk through the museum and know the history behind the art.

i want to grow old together.

i want to find the place where my heart and mind are most at ease.

i want to live with my prince in our castle.

i want to go the children of darfur and be able to surely tell them "it's going to be alright".

i want to know it's all going to be alright.

i want to find the guy that plays connect the dots.

i want to know why there has to be a difference between dreams and reality.

i want to be the girl that makes his heart jump and say "that's her".

i want to ice skate in times square.

i want to run in the boston marathon and not look like an idiot.

i want to give a copy of "the giving tree" to everyone to teach them about sacrifice for love.

i want to be able to take care of my mom when she's old.

i want to be okay with always being the cute, precious one.

i want to stop making lists of things i want....and make lists of things i'm already done...

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

live with no regrets?

I've always hated that question: What's one thing you've done that you regret. Everytime someone asks that question...honestly a million thoughts come to mind! Of course you've always got the one tool that says, "Well I don't have any regrets because I don't think that's the way you should live your life without regreting anything....blah blah blah." barf. Everyone has regrets and I don't believe that is anything to be ashamed of.
This isn't as random as you think. It actually sprouted from another question I had with a friend. But during this discussion with my friend...I figured out the one thing I regret most in life. It's not so much as a regret...as a missed memory.
The thing I regret the most...is that I don't remember my dad. I remember vaguely how he smelled...but I have no idea what his voice sounded like. I can't remember the last conversation we had. I can't remember the last car he owned. I can't remember the last movie we watched together. I can't remember the last time I saw him..normally. I can't remember the last Christmas we had. I can't remember the last birthday present he got me. I can't remember. It eats at me everyday that such valuable memories of my childhood are gone. I can never bring those back. never. not even close.
Guys you have to cherrish your parents. I love my mom more than anything..and I thank God everyday that I have such an amazing mom who has done so much for me and shelb. But at the same time...there will always be that void. I know your thinking that this is just a divorced family kid rant...but it's so much more than that. This is different. Remember the little things...because they mean more to you than you know...until they are gone.