...and that's my saving grace

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

no...i do...seriously.

Do you notice how people always say that they have the cutest dogs ever or the most adorable dog in the world. I'm pretty sure I along with about 2 million other dog owners have made the same claim. I propose a contest. Maybe a duel of some sort.

The picture above is the cutest dog in the world. seriously.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

The greatest of these is LOVE

I love the way we as a society label others. That's always a good idea right? We label people everyday even though we might not realize it. Sometimes it's through the more common ways of race or gender or looks alone; other times it's based on random things like music or movie preferences. It's a crazy thing that just because someone likes a certain type of clothing or a certain type of hairstyle that they can be automatically associated with a group even if they are the farthest thing from that. Christ said to love others as we were loved. Sounds pretty self explanatory to me. I realize that I am just as guilty of stereotyping as the next person, but I just pray that we could all learn to look deeper inside people; give people a chance to show that there is more to them than just the person they are known as on the outside. Get out of your box. Give people the benefit of the doubt. Take a risk at getting to know people that you otherwise might just blow off and stick in another category. Reach out to those who are different from you and your friends. You might learn something about yourself that you hadn't before realized.